Royal audience

Bookable from mid-June to mid-September 2024

Daily stages:

  • Day 1: Arrival in Filzmoos, overnight stay in Filzmoos in your chosen type of accommodation
  • Day 2: Start in Filzmoos along stage 28 of the Salzburger Almenweg: from Filzmoos to the Hofpürglhütte (1,705 m). Length: approx . 17 km, walking time: approx. 9 hours, elevation gain (uphill): 1,550 m – Overnight stay at the Hofpürglhütte in a dormitory
  • Day 3: from the Hofpürglhütte to the Sulzkaralm and on to Neuberg to the Hotel Neubergerhof (part of stage 29 of the Salzburger Almenweg). Length: approx. 8 km, walking time approx. 3 hours., elevation gain (dowhnill: 600 m; return journey from Neuberg to Filzmoos on the Wanderbus, overnight stay in Filzmoos in your chosen type of accommodation
  • 4. Tag: Departure

Prices "Royal audience" package

Single room supplement € 14,00 for 2 nights.
Price per person.